Assalammualaikum semua
Sambungan dari entry sebelum ini....destinasi kami seterusnya ialah Burj Dubai@Burj Khalifa.. yg tinggi ke awan....di mana di situ juga ada Dubai Mall.Masa kami sampai masih tak ramai orang sbb mallpun baru buka... masih awal lagi.

posing depan bas dulu...menarik bentuk bas ni macam keretapi..

lepas itu berjalan menghala ke Burj Dubai.menurut wikipedia; Burj Dubai mula dibina pada Sept 2004 dan dibuka pada 4 January 2010 dg kos $1.5 billion

5 beradik posing depan Burj Dubai yg dikatakan World's tallest building pada ketinggian 829.84 m (2,723 ft).
Layan gambar2 Burj Dubai....

view Burj Dubai dr 2 sudut berbeza...
info dari mr google; Burj Dubai can be seen from 95 kilometres away. Boasting the world's first Armani hotel on the bottom floors, the Burj Dubai Tower also houses 900 Dubai residences, 37 floors of office space, a fine dining restaurant and an observation deck.The Burj Dubai - literally meaning 'Tower Dubai' - brings records galore to the UAE.

tasik buatan....Burj Khalifa Lake.ada dancing fountain tp dibuka pada masa tertentu shj..

jambatan merentasi tasik...

ni pula The Address Dubai Mall Hotel yg terletak berdekatan Burj Dubai...

posing di depan hotel The Address Dubai Mall

view luar Dubai Mall

lagi view luar Dubai Mall

last picture Burj Tower sebelum masuk Dubai Mall...tak boleh lama duduk luar, cuaca panas terik wpun baru pukul 10 pg.
Gambar2 dalam Dubai Mall...

belakang tu ice rink....ice skating

Syazrin dgn Syakirah di Dubai Mall

air terjun dgn hiasan patung besi

view air terjun dgn hiasan patung besi dr jauh

yg ni anak2 paling suka tengok...big aquarium dlm Dubai Mall juga....Dubai Aquarium & Underwater World.Tercatat the Guinness Record sebagai ‘The World’s Largest Acrylic Panel’ at 32.88m long x 8.3m high.

Mmg besar aquarium ni, nak ambil gambar sepenuhnyapun tak dapat.kat sini dah mula ramai pengunjung.
info dr mr google; Located strategically in the centre of The Dubai Mall, the 10 million litre Dubai Aquarium is one of the largest indoor aquariums of its kind in the world at 51m x 20m x 11m in size and holds the Guinness Record for ‘The World’s Largest Acrylic Panel’ at 32.88m long x 8.3m high. The 270-degree glass walkthrough tunnel also treats visitors to an exceptional underwater experience as they come eye-to-eye with one of the most diverse collections of aquatic life worldwide. Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo illuminates the marvels of the ocean floor and showcases over 33,000 aquatic animals, representing more than 220 species including sharks and stingrays.

di changing room babypun ambil gambar...sbbnya suka tengok..bersih dan kemas
Kemudian ke Gold Souk..cuci mata...serba berkilau

info mr google ; At the heart of The Dubai Mall is the worldís largest indoor Gold Souk, with over 220 gold and jewellery retailers, and a selection of cafes throughout the souk's meandering walkways. The Gold Souk at The Dubai Mall recreates the traditional charm of an Arabian souk, reflecting the rich regional heritage of the gold trade. At its centre, lies the Treasury Dome, a 24.2m x 12.6m atrium with a dynamic projection ceiling and continually changing multimedia shows.

serba serbi kuning keemasan.....

last sekali sebelum balik posing depan keter hemmer..
tamat kisah cuti Dubai......