Assalammualaikum buat pengunjung dan teman2 semua..moga semua sihat ceria...
Sementara mama update samb entry Cuti-cuti Istanbul Pt 5, hidangkan dulu kuih apam Indon yg dicopy dari dapurlama. bolehlah jamu mata dg kuih pula.taklah boring dgn entry Istanbul yg masih byk lagi.

Apam ni sebenarnya dah lama terkenal di FNR dan mama mencuba thn 2007,masa tgh aktif dg FP ketika di Brunei dulu.Utk saiz di atas buat 1/2 adunan sahaja. tengok bahan2nya lebih kurang resepi apam polkadot2, cuma rupa parasnya sahaja berbeza dan dikukus selapis2 mengikut berapa lapis yg kita mahu.
Sumber; FP Mamafami ,resepi asal Sis Blackmore FNR
Ingredients :
5 eggs
1 teaspoon ovalette
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence - letak 1 teaspoon
300 g flour
300 g castor sugar
250 ml coconut milk - boleh ganti fresh milk (guna santan mungkin lagi sedap)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
coloring of your choice
Method :
1. Prepare the steamer. To avoid water from dripping onto the cake, wrap the cover with a piece of clean towel.
2. Prepare the tin. Just layer it with greaseproof paper. Doesn't need to be greased.
3. Sift flour and baking powder. Set aside.
4. Mix salt and coconut milk. Stir till well dissolved.
5. In a mixer, place the eggs and ovalette. Beat on high speed till light and fluffy.
6. Pour in sugar, little at a time. Then vanilla essence.
7. Lower the mixer speed. Add flour bit by bit alternate with coconut milk. Cut and fold till well mixed.
8. Divide into 3 equal parts. And add a few drops of different coloring into each part and mix well.
9. Pour the first color into the tray and level it. Steam for about 10 minutes or until the top is no longer sticky.
10. Pour the second color and repeat the same procedure as # 9.
11. When the second layer is done, pour the final layer and steam for 25 -30 minutes on medium heat.

Tampak ceria sbb berwarna-warni. kalau nak buat corak marblepun boleh...lagi mudah terus sekali kukus je. tp kalau nak kukus dlm saiz cc macam apam polkadotpun boleh...terpulang pada citarasa masing2.Ttg nama apam indon ni tak tahulah pulak sejarahnya napa apam ni nama apam Indon. mungkin sama kes dg mee bandung dan air bandung yg tak adapun kat Bandung...
Assalamualaikum Mama..
ReplyDeleteKak Lin tk pernah cuba lagi apam endon ni...tgk mcm menarik jer....
Cantik kejadiannya...pernah cuba buat dulu ambik resepi kat MYRESEPI tapi bau telur sikit...yang ni OK tak...
ReplyDeletecantikla apam ni kak..suka warna yg ceria ni..sure budakx2 suka ni kan:)
ReplyDeleteLembut je kalerr dia..menarik
ReplyDeleteAs salam mamasya,
ReplyDeleteTempting tgk kek tu... adus, bestnye tgk org pandai buat kek semua bagai ni... Bilalah nak pandai...entah ler...hehehe ;)
suke sgt tgk resepi2 kreatif..